Based on the axial displacement of the top of the viscoelastic layer ucv, one can further derive the
equivalent stiffness of the viscoelastic and the active constraining layer as:
Where, ‘b’ is the width of the beam, ‘tc’ the thickness of the constraining layer, ‘la’ the length of the
active patch. The variation of the stiffness in the viscoelastic and active constraining layer with respect to
the non-dimensional thickness parameter is shown in Fig. 38.3.

Figure 38.3: Variation in stiffness of VEM with thickness of cover layer
The stiffness of the viscoelastic layer
varies quite non-linearly with respect to the thickness of the constraining layer, while the stiffness of the
constraining layer varies linearly with ‘tc'.
Congratulations! You have finished Lecture 38. |