Module 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorbers
  Lecture 20: Elements of Vibration Isolation


Statically nonlinear coil spring

Nonlinear coil springs of different types as shown below are used such that the springs show constant natural frequency isolation. Such system may have undesirable effects like sub or super harmonic Vibration. Isolators with high damping may alleviate this problem.

Figure 20.3: Different non linear springs

Belleville Springs

Beleville springs are also used to provide high load carrying capacity in a small volume similar to slotted springs.

Figure 20.4: Beleville springs

The load - deflection characteristic is given by the following non-linear relationship.

, where δ is the deflection

As has been shown in the next figure, by varying the h0/t ratio one can obtain a drastic change in the load deflection behaviour of this system.

Figure 20.5: Load deflection curve