Module 4: Interferometry


1. G. Cloud (with contributions from K. Creath), Phase shifting to improve interferometry, Chapter 22, in: Optical Methods of Engineering Analysis, Gary Cloud, (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 477-491.

2. T. Cole, A. Kathman, S. Koszelak, and A. McPherson, Determination of local refractive index for protein and virus crystals in solution by Mach-Zehnder interferometry, Analytical Biochem., 231 (1995) 92-98.

3. R.J. Collier, C.B. Burckhardt and L.H. Lin, Optical Holography, (Academic Press, New York, 1971), 605 pp.

4. K. Creath, Phase-measurement interferometric techniques, Chapter V, in: Progress in Optics, Vol. XXVI, E. Wolf (Ed.), (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Netherlands, 1988), pp. 349-393.

5. J.C. Dainty (Ed.), Laser Speckle and Related Phenomena, 2nd ed., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984), 342 pp.

6. O. Dupont, J.L. Dewandel and J.C. Legros, Use of electronic speckle pattern interferometry for temperature distribution measurements through liquids, Opt. Letts., 20 (1995) 1824-1826.

7. A. Ecker, Solidification front dynamics examined by holographic interferometric measurement of temperature and concentration using transparent model systems, Final Report, NASA (March, 1987).

8. A. Ecker, Two-wavelength holographic measurement of temperature and concentration during alloy solidification, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer, 2(3) (1988) 193-196.

9. M.M. El-Wakil and C.L. Jaeck, A two-wavelength interferometer for the study of heat and mass transfer, J. Heat Transfer, 79 (1964) 464-466.

10. D. Gabor, Microscopy by reconstructed wavefronts, Proc. Soc. Roy., A197 (1949) 457-484.

11. L. Gatti, F. Solitro, F. Bedarida, P. Boccacci, G.A. Dall'Aglio and L. Zefiro, Three-dimensional measurements of concentration fields in crystal growth by multidirectional holographic interferometry, SPIE 1162 (1989) 126-131.

12. R.J. Goldstein and T.H. Kuehn, Optical Systems for Flow Measurement: Shadowgraph, Schlieren, and Intreferometric Techniques, in: Fluid Mechanics Measurements, R. J. Goldstein (Ed.), (Taylor & Francis, New York, 1996), pp. 451-508.

13. J.E. Greivenkamp and J.H. Bruning, Phase shifting interferometry, Chapter 14, in: Optical Shop Testing, 2nd Ed., Daniel Malacara (Ed.), (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992), pp. 501-598.