Module 5: Schlieren and Shadowgraph
  Lecture 32: Results and discussion related to crystal growth (part 2)

Figure 5.34 shows reconstructed concentration profiles at selected horizontal planes above the growing crystal for the two time instants considered in Figure 5.31. The following observations can be recorded on the basis of the reconstruction.

  1. At t=2 hours, the reconstructed concentration field reveals symmetry for the plane close to the crystal both around the crystal and in the bulk of the solution. The presence of concentric rings indicates uniform distribution of concentration gradients on all the faces of the growing crystal. This feature is seen in Figure 5.31 as well, where the bright intensity region uniformly envelops the crystal faces. For planes away from the crystal , the deformation of the concentric rings in the vicinity of the crystal is mainly due to the swaying motion of the convective plume introduced by turning the growth chamber. This movement is also to be seen in the schlieren images of Figure 5.31.  On the other hand, the bulk of the solution closer to the beaker shows uniform and symmetric distribution of concentration. The appearance of only a few contours in the solution shows low concentration gradients here in the initial stages of growth.
  2. For all planes , the presence of a bright central core of the reconstructed cross-section is indicative of the solution depleted of salt. The spatial extent of the bright region at the center of the beaker is small, in agreement with the thin vertically rising buoyant plume above the growing crystal, Figure 5.31.
  3. At later times , the concentration field at planes near the crystal is not axisymmetric though the bulk of the solution near the boundaries of the growth chamber shows the presence of concentric rings. The loss of symmetry at the center of the reconstructed plane can be attributed to the role played by the crystal geometry in deciding the overall orientation of convection pattern. The effect of crystal shape is negligible when the size is small (for example, at t=2 hours) but is significant when the crystal grows in size with a well-defined morphology (Figure 5.29). In addition, densely spaced contours in the core and the bulk reflect the presence of high concentration gradients in the growth chamber.
  4. For planes located away from the crystal , the effect of crystal geometry on the convective field is diminished. The presence of a dark central core (corresponding to a higher level of supersaturation) surrounded by a brighter region shows that high concentration gradients prevail on the crystal sides in comparison to its upper face.