Module 4: Interferometry
  Lecture 23: Introduction to tomography, CBP

Convolution Backprojection          

The convolution backprojecton (CBP) algorithm for three-dimensional reconstruction classifies as a transform technique. If has been used for medical imaging of the human brain for the past several decades. Significant advantages of this method include (a) its noniterative character, (b) availability of analytical results on convergence of the solution with respect to the projection data, and (c) established error-estimates. A disadvantage to be noted is the large number of projections normally required for good accuracy. In engineering applications, this translates to costly experimentation, and nonviability  of recording data in unsteady experiments the use of CBP continues to be seen in steady flow experiments, particularly when the region to mapped is physically small in size. The statement of the CBP algorithm is presented below.

Let the path integral equation be written as


where is projection data recorded in the experiments and is the function to be computed by inverting the above equation In practice, the function is a field variable such as density, void fraction, attenuation coefficient, refractive index, and temperature. The symbols stand for the ray position, view angle, position within the object to be reconstructed, and the polar angle, respectively (fig. 4.50).The integration is performed with respect to the variable along the chord of the ray defined be Following Herman [28], the projection slice theorem can be employed in the form


Where the overbar indicates the fourier transform and is the spatial frequency. In words, this theorem states the equivalence of the one-dimensional Fourier transform of with respect to s and the two-dimensional Fourier transform of with respect to r and   A two–dimensional Fourier inversion of this theorem leads to the well-known Radon transform
