Module 4: Interferometry
  Lecture 22: Three dimensional convection phenomenon

Result and Discussion

Results have been presented for two Rayleigh numbers, namely 1.39x104 and 4.02 x 104.  The flow structure and roll pattern, temperature filed over horizontal planes, and the wall Nusslet numbers have been reported. An earlier report of the present work at a Rayleigh number of 34800 with partial projection data at the view angles has been reported elsewhere [79]. Experiments were conducted at a fourth Rayleigh number if 51800 as well. The flow field at this Rayleigh number was found to be completely unsteady with no noticeable periodicity. Hence images even at neighboring positions were seen to be uncorrelated. Tomographic interferometry of fully unsteady convection phenomena has been taken up as topic for future research.

Figure 4.52: Comparision of experimentally obtained thinned images with generated projections for cross-checks of reconstructed temperature field,