Module 4: Interferometry

26. T.A.W.M. Lanen, Digital Holographic Interferometry in Flow Research, Opt. Commn., Vol. 79, pp 386-396, 1990.

27. T.A.W.M. Lanen, E.M. Houtman and P.G. Bakker, Quantitative Comparison between Interferometric Measurements and Euler Computations for Supersonic Cone Flows, AIAA Jl., Vol. 33, pp 210-216, 1995.

28. G.T. Herman, Image Reconstruction from Projections, Academic Press, New York, 1980.

29. Y. Censor, Finite Series-Expansion Reconstruction Methods, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp 409-419, 1983.

30. S.F. Gull and T.J. Newton, Maximum Entropy Tomography, Applied Optics, Vol. 25, pp 156-160, 1986.

31. D. Verhoeven, Multiplicative Algebraic Computed Tomography Algorithms for the Reconstruction of Multidirectional Interferometric Data, Optical Engineering, Vol. 32, pp 410-419, 1993.

32. P.M.V. Subbarao, P. Munshi and K. Muralidhar, Performance Evaluation of Iterative Tomographic Algorithms applied to Reconstruction of a Three Dimensional Temperature Field, Numerical Heat Transfer B (Fundamentals), Vol 31 (3), pp 347-372, 1997.

33. R. Snyder and L. Hesselink, High Speed Optical Tomography for Flow Visualization, Applied Optics, Vol. 24(23), 1985.

34. C.K. Zoltani, K.J. White and F.A. Dibianca, Multichannel Flash x-ray Tomography of Microsecond Events, Applied Optics, Vol. 24(23), 1985.

35. A.F. Gmitro and G.R. Gindi, Computed Tomography Videography: an Electrooptical System for Video-rate Image Reconstruction, Applied Optics, Vol. 24(23), 1985.

36. G.W. Faris and R.L. Byer, Three Dimensional Beam Deflection Optical Tomography of a Supersonic Jet, Applied Optics, Vol 27(24), pp 5202-5212, 1988.

37. R. Snyder, Instantaneous Three Dimensional Optical Tomographic Measurements of Species Concentration in a Co-flowing Jet, Report No. SUDAAR 567, Stanford University, USA, 1988.

38. T.C. Liu, W. Merzkirch and K. Oberste-Lehn, Optical Tomography Applied to Speckle Photographic Measurement of Asymmetric Flows with Variable Density, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 7, pp 157-163, 1989.

39. D.W. Watt and C.M. Vest, Turbulent Flow Visualization by Interferometric Integral Imaging and Computed Tomography, Experiments in Fluids, Vol 8, pp 301-311, 1990.

40. D. Mewes, M. Friedrich, W. Haarde and W. Ostendorf, Tomographic Measurement Techniques for Process Engineering Studies, Chapter 24, Vol. 3, Handbook of Heat and Mass Transfer, Ed: N.P. Cheremisinoff, 1990.

41. Y.C. Michael and K.T. Yang, Three-Dimensional Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Tomography of the Rayleigh-Benard Problem, ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 114, pp 622-629, 1992.

42. S. Bahl and J.A. Liburdy, Three Dimensional Image Reconstruction Using Interferometric Data from a Limited Field of View with Noise, Applied Optics, Vol 30 (29), pp 4218-4226, 1991.

43. C. Soller, R. Wenskus, P. Middendorf, G.E.A. Meier and F. Obermeier, Interferometric Tomography for Flow Visualization of Density Fields in Supersonic Jets and Convective Flow, Applied Optics, Vol 33(14), pp 2921-2932, 1994.

44. S. Sato and T. Kumakura, Interferometric Tomography Measurement of Spatial Temperature Profiles in Pre-mixed Flame (Application of Dual Plate Fourier Transform Interferometry), Trans. of JSME, Vol. 62(604), pp 4241-4247, 1996 (in Japanese).

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48. P. Bennema, J.P. van der Eerden, W.J.P. van Enckevort, B. van der Hoek and K. Tsukamoto, Observation and Interpretation of Spirals for Spiral Growth from the Liquid State, Phys. stat. sol. (a), Vol. 55, 403 1979.

49. K. Tsukamoto, In-situ Observation of Mono-Molecular Growth Steps on Crystals Growing in Aqueous Solution -I, JCG, Vol. 61, 199-209, 1983.

50. K. Tsukamoto and I. Sunagawa, In-situ Observation of Mono-Molecular Growth Steps on Crystals Growing in Aqueous Solution-II. Specially Designed Objective Lens and Nomarski Prism for In-situ Observation by Reflected Light, JCG, Vol. 71, 183-190, 1985.