Another type of color scheme is an "achromatic" scheme, which includes only, black, white, or grays. In Greek, means "none" and chromo means "color," so achromatic means, "no-color." A lead pencil drawing is achromatic, as are charcoal drawings and black and white photographs. Minimalism style has predominantly ‘achromatic color scheme (Plate13 A, B & C).
(Read more: ; May 31, 2012)
_vGT6bnEcOciQft_uWpDg ; May 31, 2012)
(Source Plate10.C: ; May 31, 2012)
Warm [] and cool [] colors application by analogy to feelings
No color physically cool or warm. It is psychological feeling that makes us feel cool or warm. In a room for meditation or study the environment has to be cooler (feeling). On the other hand a place for discotheque environment has to generate warmer feeling. Warmer environment creates excitement.