Module 12:Human values and humanism: dilemmas and directions
  Lecture 37: Value Education -II

The foundation of Jeevan Vidya: “I” and “body”

At the foundation of the value education in the framework of Jeevan Vidya (JV) lies the distinction between “I” (i.e., self) and the “body”. JV assumes that a human being is a combination of the “I” and the body. The term body is obvious and needs no clarification and to begin with “I” may be defined as consciousness present in the physical body. It is a psychological, cognitive, emotional and spiritual part of the self. “I” is responsible for imaging, selecting and analyzing. It is different from physical body. “I” has desires, thoughts and selection which are based on preconditioning. Yet, it is possible for humans to develop a true understanding of themselves. The present day problems of man are caused by basing his ideas and actions on wrong preconditioning. To live harmoniously man needs the right understanding. Avoiding an extremist position, JV maintains that “I” and “body” are not independent. “I” and “body” have a coexistence with constant flow of information between them. For example,

  • When there is pain, “I” gets the signal and decides to do something about it.

  • When body needs nourishment, it signals “I” and then thinks of what to eat.

  • When “I” wants to go somewhere, then signal is sent to the body and one starts walking.