Module 1:The problem
  Lecture 1:Exploring Human Values: Visions of Happiness and Perfect Society


  • What are values? Why is it important to talk about values in science & technology curricula?

  • What ten major values are identified by Peter B. Smith?

  • How are values linked with human happiness?

  • How can you define happiness and well-being?

  • What are requirements of happy life?

  • Make a visit to a neighboring village and interview five people. Ask them: how much satisfied do they feel with life? What will make their life happier and why? Does their understanding of happiness differ from that of the urban population?

  • Do the social values always satisfy individual’s own needs? If there is a conflict between the two, what does society do?

  • Give an example of deviance. Identify what factors may have led the individual to commit a deviant act?

  • What can society do to ensure that its members conform to the value system of society?

  • Are all those who believe in God are also good people? Is there a relationship between faith and happiness? Justify your answer.