What are values? Why is it important to talk about values in science & technology curricula?
What ten major values are identified by Peter B. Smith?
How are values linked with human happiness?
How can you define happiness and well-being?
What are requirements of happy life?
Make a visit to a neighboring village and interview five people. Ask them: how much satisfied do they feel with life? What will make their life happier and why? Does their understanding of happiness differ from that of the urban population?
Do the social values always satisfy individual’s own needs? If there is a conflict between the two, what does society do?
Give an example of deviance. Identify what factors may have led the individual to commit a deviant act?
What can society do to ensure that its members conform to the value system of society?
Are all those who believe in God are also good people? Is there a relationship between faith and happiness? Justify your answer.