Module 4: Central Issues in Translation
  Lecture 9: Early Translation Theories

Susan Bassnett

Susan Bassnett's Translation Studies published in 1980 demonstrates the reception of the early scholars of the field. The book was and still is one of the best introductory works on the topic. Bassnett seems to agree with two concepts of the early theorists:

  • There is no single correct way of translating a text

  • The translation has to be based on the comparison of the SL text's function or purpose in its own context and the receptor-language context

Her approach is somewhat similar to the Russian Formalist concepts. She broadened the reader's concept about what a translation should be, but she essentially seemed to accept the Formalist idea of defamiliarization by which a translator could adopt ‘foreign' terms and usages to preserve the impact of the original. She is also one of the earliest theorists to have taken to the cultural turn in Translation Studies, along with Lefevere.