Module 10: Translation Today
  Lecture 35: The Language of Commerce


What is an advertisement?

Before we go into the process of translation of advertisements, let us be clear about what is meant by an advertisement in the context of translation. Mathieu Guidère maintains that it “must be understood as a generic designation including all forms of commercial communication and promotion, from a leaflet to a television campaign broadcast on an international scale, because the translator is involved at all levels as long as the advertiser is targeting a foreign market” (3). The advertisement communicates to the consumer, explaining the product in detail to persuade the consumer to buy it. Language is but one component of the advertisement, but it is an important one. This is where the translator comes into play. S/he is entrusted with the work of getting the message across to the consumer in the target culture without any distortions or misrepresentations. The concept of fidelity is obviously paramount in importance here.

Now the consequent question is: to whom or what should the translator be faithful? The linguistic component of the advertisement or the message as a whole? Literal translation of advertising slogans might not always be effective, as the translator has to be careful about conveying the message of the advertisement. Socio-cultural differences play a major role in the reception of advertisements. Like the translator of a literary text, the translator of an advertisement also has to go through a decision making process in the course of translation. She will have to consider the receptor culture and the impact of the advertising message on that culture. The translation strategy will be decided accordingly—word for word, or message-for-message, in the case of advertisements. Translation strategy becomes crucial as the success of the advertisement rests to a large extent on the successful communication of facts, and the persuasive power of language.

Guidère argues that the translation of advertisements is influenced by two groups of influencing factors – they are cultural and economic.