Module 6: Cultural turn in translation
  Lecture 21: Languages and the Politics of Translation in India

Bilingualism and Translation

G. N. Devy maintains that India has always been bilingual, if not multilingual. Today most educated Indians know English and at least one other regional language. Kothari is of the view that “Advertisement captions, news media reports and articles, IWE [Indian Writing in English] and ILET [Indian Literature in English Translation] are only some manifestations of a profoundly contemporary Indian ethos that show today a greater simultaneity of Indian language and English…The cultural identity formed by English added to a layer of a ‘mother-tongue' is the stuff of a contemporary urban middle class” (32 – 33).

However, we have already seen that English is the dominant language when considered in the all-India context. This is reflected in the translation field also. Regional language literatures are getting translated into English more than other Indian languages; in fact, it is believed that this has to be the case if these literatures have to get more readership and critical attention. A work translated into English ensures readership both in India and abroad, besides being shorlisted for prestigious awards like the Man Booker or Crossword prize. English is the receptor language in the case of Indian languages. According to translation theory, translation is usually done from a culturally superior language (‘donor' language according to Kothari) to an inferior one. If one were to go with this assumption, English as a receptor language should be at a lower position in India than other Indian languages. It is a paradox that this is not the case in India . Translations into English are made to suit the English tastes (Indian and non-Indian) and the power dynamics is clear in this relationship. Translations are mostly into English because that assures the source text a wider readership and increased visibility.