Module 3: Theories of Urban Sociology
  Lecture 18: Louis Wirth: "Urbanism as a Way of Life" (continued)


The other source of the one-sidedness of the analysis was their focus on social problems. The Chicago school produced works such as Family Disorganization, The Gold Coast and the Slum, The Gang, Social Factors in Juvenile Delinquency. One of the reasons could be that the studies were being done soon after the worst economic crisis of 1920s. It was the end of the era of the serious depression.

 The critics of the Chicago School point out that the scholars had taken a negative view of the consequences of human mobility and cultural change. The socio-cultural critique of human ecology debunked the notion that market pressures always triumphed over cultural factors in the form and function of the cities.

Finally it could be said that because of their emphasis on a ‘natural habitat’ the ecological perspective primarily supports the status-quo and therefore promotes a conservative political philosophy.