Module 3: Research Methods in Population Studies
  Lecture 8: Combining Methods and Data

Among Indian researchers there has been a preference for primary data. Today we have very rich data on population and related issues, produced by censuses, national and sub-national surveys and sample registration scheme (SRS). One can do good research by analysing these data through innovative conceptual schemes and advanced statistical techniques.


Research on human subjects presents several dilemmas and conflicts as the researchers have to develop a set of ethical guidelines for all those people involved in the research process at any stage. Ethical considerations demand that the researchers respect the subjects and do not do anything which can harm the subject. The subjects should be properly informed about the nature of research and its possible uses. In other words, the research has to adopt a “no harm policy.” When fieldworkers approach the individuals and groups with whom they need to talk in an opportunistic manner, they must respect the needs and wishes of people with regard to privacy. The subjects who are asked to share information during the fieldwork should not be put to any kind of risk during the process, nor should participation in the process lead to any kind of loss. The purpose of research and the methods involved should be explained to all subjects approached by the research team. On the basis of the information, respondents may give their consent (written or oral) to participate in the research or not.

Respondents are informed that the session will last about one hour (or whatever is the expected time for interview or experiment), and they are not obliged to stay till the end if they do not wish to. They are told where the session will be held, how the information they share will be kept secure, and that their participation in the mapping will remain anonymous. The ethical issues acquire great significance while dealing with vulnerable populations, such as commercial sex workers, truckers, the marginal communities and others who come from disadvantaged sections of society. With them an attitude of equality and sharing should be maintained. This requires that before the actual work is taken up, the research proposal is cleared up by a duly constituted ethical committee.