Module 2: Basic Characteristics of Indian Society
  Lecture 6: Society and Development: The Model Of Inclusive Growth

Questions and Exercises

  1. What is the difference in values and norms?
  2. Define the concepts of Sanskritization and Westernization.
  3. What is the effect of policy of protective discrimination on Sanskritization?
  4. What is globalization? How does it affect the society of India ?
  5. What is the concept of inclusive growth? Why does India need this concept? Enumerate the major health goals of India which are developed in the framework of inclusive growth.
  6. Collect data on sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years for major states of India . Are there significant differences? What do they tell about social institutions and processes?
  7. Review the skill development policy of India as presented by the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
  8. Develop an alternative concept of social class and argue that for the policy of protective discrimination your concept is more useful than the Planning Commission's concepts.
  9. What are the sources of weakness and resilience of Indian society?
  10. Write a short note on regional inequalities in India and their implications for demographic diversity.