Module 2: Basic Characteristics of Indian Society
  Lecture 4: Society and Culture

India can rightly be characterised as a society having unity in diversity and diversity in unity, as it is a plural society both in letter and spirit. Despite innumerable odds, India has maintained its unity. We find unity in India in all its historical and cultural facets. India is today a secular state. It has one Constitution and uniform rule of law for all its people living in different regions, speaking different languages, and believing in different religions and faiths. Today, Hindus, Jains, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and people of other faiths participate together in administration, politics and public life. Ethnic, linguistic and religious diversities do not hinder the realization of the common national goals. The cultural heritage of India has been a living example of the synthesis of different cultures.  

On the whole, the demographic characteristics of India need to be analysed at various levels: national, state, district, block and village; social class and sub-classes. This requires collection of data at all these levels. At the moment we have data only at national and state level. Some data are available at the district level. Therefore, a need is felt to collect data going up to the block level. There is also a need for collection of reliable data for different social and religious groups and observation for mechanics of the demographic changes at the micro levels. Regional and social class diversities, when combined with economic and political diversities in the same direction, are disruptive. Therefore, for the unity of the nation, it is important to promote demographic equality as well as economic equality.

The next lecture will focus on social change. It provides certain sociological concepts in terms of which we can analyse the processes of change and their consequences for demographic transition in the country. Three major ideas taken up for discussion are Sanskritization, Westernization and globalization.