Module 1: Population and Society
  Lecture 3: Perspectives and Linkages
Subsequently, an increased moral density produces a high degree of competition and anomy (i.e. normlessness). In the Western, industrially advanced countries, society responded by producing division of labour. The division of labour saved society from falling into anarchy at a given state of population. Thus to follow Durkheim we may say that the population growth was primarily responsible for
the change-over from mechanical to organic solidarity, i.e. social integration based on homogeneity to social integration based on interdependence between different industrial and occupational groups. It may be noted that Durkheim is known as much for his sociological theories as for his contribution to methods. His study of suicide shows how multivariate statistical reasoning can be used to draw inferences about social facts like suicide rates.


Sorokin gave a serious thought to population processes. In Contemporary Sociological Theories Pitirim Sorokin (1978) has one full chapter devoted to demographic school in sociology. Though he is more reknowned for his theory of cyclical change, but his writings show a clear Durkheimian approach in which one social fact is explained in terms of other facts. He relates the fact of “size and density” of population to other facts:

  • Birth and death rates

  • Migration

  • Revolution and war

  • Economic prosperity

  • Forms of ownership and possession

  • Forms of social organization

  • Political and social institutions

  • Inventions and birth of men of genius

  • Mores and customs

  • Language, religion, mysticism, equalitarian ideology

  • Progress and decay of societies