Module 1: Population and Society
  Lecture 1: Introduction



Population studies is a branch of social sciences. It is also a specialization of statistics. Social sciences include sociology, economics, psychology, political science and anthropology. Thus not only sociologists but other social scientists and statisticians have also contributed to development of theory of population. Table 1.1, given in a following slide, shows some illustrative questions of interest to different social scientists and statisticians working in the field of population studies.

Economists are interested in economic aspects of demographic phenomena. For example, they would explain reproductive decision making or migration in terms of various costs and utility of children. Psychologists focus on individual differences and psychological values and costs. Political scientists explain demographic regimes in terms of power and inequality. Anthropologists focus on culture and population patterns, mostly in tribal and preliterate societies. Sociologists study population variables in terms of social structure. Social historians examine historical roots of rise and fall in mortality, migration and nuptiality (marriage). Statisticians provide estimates of demographic phenomena and help in planning through modeling and perfecting forecasting methods.

It may be said that in the field of population research sociologists are playing an increasing role. The reasons are:

  • While other disciplines focus on one specific aspect of reality, sociologists attempt to explain things in a holistic perspective.

  • Sociologists have the advantage of freely borrowing concepts and methodologies from all other branches of social sciences.

  • Sociologists are the first to venture into new areas as they are less constrained by disciplinary limitations.

  • Sociologists who take the whole society as the level of analysis are in a better position to explain differences between different societies and cultures.

    However, the entry of sociologists in the field of population is relatively new.