Chapter 7: Symmetrical Components and Representation of Faulted Networks

Symmetrical Component Transformation

Before we discuss the symmetrical component transformation, let us first define the α -operator. This has been given in (1.34) and is reproduced below.




Note that for the above operator the following relations hold






Also note that we have




Using the a -operator we can write from Fig. 7.1 (b)




Similarly from Fig. 7.1 (c) we get




Finally from Fig. 7.1 (d) we get



















The symmetrical component transformation matrix is then given by




Defining the vectors V a012 and V abc as





we can write (7.4) as



where C is the symmetrical component transformation matrix and is given by





The original phasor components can be obtained from the inverse symmetrical component transformation, i.e.,




Finally, if we define a set of unbalanced current phasors as Iabc and their symmetrical components as Ia012 , we can then define




Example 7.1

Example 7.2