Module 6 : Readymade & DADA Movement
  Lecture 16 : ‘Readymade’; What is DADA Movement: Zurich, Origin of the word Dada, Conclusion

The uncertainty and horror of war had proved people to challenge the traditional social values and ethics. War had eroded the social values system leading total collapse in societal structure.

The Group (plate 9A) is composed of men and women in participating to form a rebellion group. ‘Large Glass’ (plate 9B) is a work that is more accidental. The glass was lying in the basement broken in condition. Duchamp framed the broken glass and had drawn while the cracklines remained part of his composition. L.H.O.O.Q (plate 9C) is one of the most remarkable controversial DADA works that Duchamp created. Mona Lisa is a well-known established classical work that symbolizes beauty and aesthetics of Renaissance Period. By adding beard and moustache on Mona Lisa’s face certainly it hurt the established theory of aesthetic appreciation. He purposely wanted to shake the foundation of the traditional believes and practices. Duchamp revolts against the traditional social believe and practices.

The most rebellion characteristics of Duchamp have always amazed people who always worked in his own term. Duchamp, when he is a well established artist, declared that he has produced enough ‘junk’ for the museum and galleries and would no longer create artwork. He claimed that creating art and exhibiting in gallery for sale and expecting appreciation is hypocrisy, since artist expects people to appreciate while he does for his own creative satisfaction only. Therefore, he would not produce any artwork. In place of creating artwork he played chase with his photographer friend Man Ray (plate 9D) and claimed that each of his moves is as creative as work of art. And playing chase gives him the same creative satisfaction. Rest of his life for the next fifteen years he played chase with his friend Man Ray.


‘Readymade’ and ‘DADA’ movements have helped people to recognize the creativity of machine produced consumer products as art. The movements have baptized Industrial Design as work of art. DADA became an icon of anti-war protest symbol. In the recent history number of artists, musicians and other creative people have symbolically protested against war through anti-art symbolism for which DADA philosophy stood for.  However, the Readymade and DADA movements have greatly benefited machine produced products (Industrial Design) to be considered as work of art. Hence, the modern Industrial Design schoolsmust recognize the contribution of the above two art movements that baptized consumer products as work of art.