Module 1 : What is Design
  Lecture 1 : Design Definition

Design Definition

Design reflects discipline, ethics, and taste of a community and nation. Design activity can be one of the most important indicators of the social growth and economy. Design combines usefulness and meaning in the form of practical objects that can also reflect user’s identities and aspirations through forms and patterns.

Some of the workable and acceptable definition of the term ‘design’-

  • Design is the quest for simplicity and order;
  • Design is the process of inventing artifacts that display a new physical order, organization, and form in response to function;
  • Design is a statement of order and organization. Its goal is the quest for order among various segments or parts;
  • Design is a conscious and intuitive effort directed toward the ordering of the functional, material, and visual requirements of a problem;
  • Design implies intention, meaning, and purpose;
  • The planning and patterning of any act toward a desired, foreseeable end constitutes the design process;
  • Design is creative problem solving.
“Design is the creative work whose goal is to determine the formal properties of manufactured goods, including both their external characteristics, and most important, the functional and structural interactions which turns the article into a single whole both from the point of view of producer and consumer.
Design is the world of the objects created by the man by means of Industrial technology which meets the demands of the beautiful and the laws of functional.”

                                                               __ Industrial Seminar of Design, Belgium 1964