Module 1: Basic understanding of various shapes, forms and their Structure
  Lecture 1:Visual Proportion


Module 1

Lecture- 1

Size, scale and overall proportion of form, Form and their structure, basic understanding of various shapes, inter-relationship of visual Forms.

( In this module we are going to discuss about forms and their size, scale , structure and relationship between them and their proportion by showing various illustrated examples for easy understanding of the subject matter, followed by specific context oriented hands on assignments in the class itself or students may be used to check this theory by taking photographs of any objects digitally and manipulate the same in computer to compare their size and scale with their surrounding objects, but the author encourages students to work manually).

Fig.1: Scale and overall proportion


Scale and size:

Draw cubes of approximately the same size to represent small, medium and large objects (Fig. 1). Notice how the impression of smallness or bigness depends on convergence and eye level. Details can be added to enhance the impression. The size of the drawing is in direct proportion to the distance between the vanishing points. This exercise shows that if objects of varying size are to be represented in drawing of similar size the distance between the vanishing points must vary widely.

Forms and their proportion:

It is a very relative term that shows the proportion of an object along with its surroundings. For example, take an object as small as a fountain pen or as big as an aeroplane and make (some) drawings of it to see how you can change its appearance by varying view and scale. Refer Fig.2 as given in the next slide.