Chapter 9: Code generation


Stmt code reg desc addr desc
t 1 =a-b mov a,R 0 R 0 contains t 1 t 1 in R0
  sub b,R 0    
t2 =a-c mov a,R 1 R0 contains t 1 t1 in R0
  sub c,R1 R 1 contains t2 t 2 in R1
t3 =t1 +t 2 add R 1 ,R0 R 0contains t3 t3 in R 0
    R 1 contains t2 t 2 in R1
d=t3 +t2 add R 1 ,R 0 R 0contains d d in R0
  mov R 0 ,d   d in R0 and

For example, the assignment d := (a - b) + (a - c) + (a - c) might be translated into the following three- address code sequence:

t1 = a - b

t 2 = a - c

t 3 = t 1 + t2

d = t 3 + t2

The code generation algorithm that we discussed would produce the code sequence as shown. Shown alongside are the values of the register and address descriptors as code generation progresses.