ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Following text books and many research papers have been used to prepare the course slides. Many of the examples and figures have been taken from these books and research papers. Coordinators do not claim ownership of the material in the lecture notes.
- Aho A, Sethi R, Ullman J D, \Compilers Principles, Techniques,and Tools", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986.
- Hecht M S, \Flow Analysis of Computer Programs", Elsevier North Holland, Inc., 1977.
- Wolfe M, \High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.
- Muchnick S S, \Advanced Compiler Design Implementation", Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.
- Banerjee U, \Dependence Analysis of Supercomputing", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
- Wolfe M, \Optimizing Supercompilers for Supercomputers", Pitman Publishing, 1989.
- Zima H, Chapman B, \Supercompilers for Parallel and Vector Computers", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1991.
- Polychronopoulos C D, \Parallel Programming and Compilers", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
- Ellis J R, \Bulldog: A compiler for VLIW Architectures", The MIT Press, 1986.
Dr. Sanjeev K Aggarwal (IIT Kanpur)