Alternative: VLIW
- Very Long Instruction Word computers
- Compiler carries out all dependence analysis
- Bundles as many independent instructions as allowed by the number of functional units into an instruction packet
- Hardware is a lot less complex
- The instructions in the packet issue in parallel
- Each packet of instructions is pretty long (hence the name)
- Problem: compiler may not be able to extract as much ILP as a dynamic out-of-order core; many packets may go unutilized
- Big leap from VLIW: EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) [Itanium family]
Current research in μP
- Micro-architectural techniques to extract more ILP
- Directly helps improve IPC and reduce CPI
- Various speculative techniques to hide cache miss latency: prefetching, load value prediction, etc.
- Better branch prediction
- Faster clocking
- Need to cool the chip
- Various techniques to reduce power consumption: clock gating, dynamic voltage/frequency scaling (DVFS), power-aware resource usage
- Fighting the long wires: scaling micro-architectures against the complexity wall