Data hazards
- Data dependency in instruction stream limits ILP
- True dependency (Read After Write: RAW)
- Need a bypass network to avoid losing cycles
- Without the bypass the fetching of subtraction would have to be delayed by three cycles
- This is an example of RAW hazard
More on RAW
- The most problematic dependencies involve memory ops
- The memory ops may take a large number of cycles to return the value (if missed in cache)
- This type of dependencies is the primary cause of increase in CPI and lower ILP
Multi-cycle EX stage
- Thus far we have assumed a single cycle EX
- Consider multiplication and division
- Assume a four-cycle multiplication unit: mult r5, r4, r3 IF ID EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4 MEM WB
- Normally the multiplier is separate
- So the next instruction can start executing when mult moves to EX2 stage and, in fact, can finish before mult