Exercise : 3

These problems should be tried after module 15 is completed.

1. [5+5] Consider a 512-node system. Each node has 4 GB of main memory. The cache block size is 128 bytes. What is the total directory memory size for (a) bitvector, (b) DiriB with i=3?

2. [5+5+5+10] For a simple two-processor NUMA system, the number of cache misses to three virtual pages X, Y, Z is as follows.

Page X: P0 has 14 misses, P1 has 11 misses. P1 takes the first miss.
Page Y: P0 has zero misses, P1 has 18 misses.
Page Z: P0 has 15 misses, P1 has 9 misses. P0 takes the first miss.

The remote to local miss latency ratio is four. Evaluate the aggregate time spent in misses by the two processors in each of the following policies. Assume that a local miss takes 400 cycles.

(a) First touch placement.
(b) All three pages on P0.
(c) All three pages on P1.
(d) Best possible application-directed static placement i.e. a one-time call to the OS to place the three pages.

3. [30] Suppose you want to transpose a matrix in parallel. The source matrix is A and the destination matrix is B. Both A and B are decomposed in such a way that each node gets a chunk of consecutive rows. Application-directed page placement is used to map the pages belonging to each chunk in the local memory of the respective nodes. Now the transpose can be done in two ways. The first algorithm, known as "local read algorithm", allows each node to transpose the band of rows local to it. So naturally this algorithm involves a large fraction of remote writes to matrix B. Assume that the band is wide enough so that there is no false sharing when writing to matrix B. The second algorithm, known as "local write algorithm", allows each node to transpose a band of columns of A such that all the writes to B are local. Naturally, this algorithm involves a large number of remote reads in matrix A. Assume that the algorithms are properly tiled so that the cache utilization is good. In both the cases, before doing the transpose, every node reads and writes to its local segment in A and after doing the transpose every node reads and writes to its local segment in B. Assuming an invalidation-based cache coherence protocol, briefly but clearly explain which algorithm is expected to deliver better performance. How much synchronization does each algorithm require (in terms of the number of critical sections and barriers)? Assume that the caches are of infinite capacity and that a remote write is equally expensive in all respects as a remote read because in both cases the retirement is held up for a sequentially consistent implementation.

4. [5+5] If a compiler reorders accesses according to WO and the underlying processor is SC, what is the consistency model observed by the programmer? What if the compiler produces SC code, but the processor is RC?

5. [5+5] Consider the following piece of code running on a faulty microprocessor system which does not preserve any program order other than true data and control dependence order.

load A
store A
load B
store B
load C
store C

(a) Insert appropriate WMB and MB instructions to enforce SC. Do not over-insert anything.
(b) Repeat part (a) to enforce RC.

6. [5+10] Consider implementing a directory-based protocol to keep the private L1 caches of the cores in a chip-multiprocessor (CMP) coherent. Assume that the CMP has a shared L2 cache. The most natural way of doing it is to attach a directory to the tag of each L2 cache block. An L1 cache miss gets forwarded to the L2 cache. The directory entry is looked up in parallel with the L2 cache block. Does this implementation suit an inclusive hierarchy or exclusive hierarchy? Explain. If the cache block sizes of the L1 cache and the L2 cache are different, explain briefly how you will manage the state of the L2 cache block on receiving a writeback from the L1 cache. Do not assume per sector directory entry in this design.