Module 11: "Synchronization"
  Lecture 22: "Scalable Locking Primitives"

RISC processors

  • All these atomic instructions deviate from the RISC line
    • Instruction needs a load as well as a store
  • Also, it would be great if we can offer a few simple instructions with which we can build most of the atomic primitives
    • Note that it is impossible to build atomic fetch & inc with xchg instruction
  • MIPS, Alpha and IBM processors support a pair of instructions: LL and SC
    • Load linked and store conditional


  • Load linked behaves just like a normal load with some extra tricks
    • Puts the loaded value in destination register as usual
    • Sets a load_linked bit residing in cache controller to 1
    • Puts the address in a special lock_address register residing in the cache controller
  • Store conditional is a special store
    • sc reg, addr stores value in reg to addr only if load_linked bit is set; also it copies the value in load_linked bit to reg and resets load_linked bit
  • Any intervening “operation” (e.g., bus transaction or cache replacement) to the cache line containing the address in lock_address register clears the load_linked bit so that subsequent sc fails

Locks with LL/SC

  • Test & set

    Lock:  LL r1, lock_addr           /* Normal read miss/BusRead */
              addi r2, r0, 0x1
              SC r2, lock_addr          /* Possibly upgrade miss */
              beqz r2, Lock              /* Check if SC succeeded */
              bnez r1, Lock              /* Check if someone is in CS */

  • LL/SC is best-suited for test & test & set locks

    Lock:  LL r1, lock_addr
              bnez r1, Lock
              addi r1, r0, 0x1
              SC r1, lock_addr
              beqz r1, Lock

Fetch & op with LL/SC

  • Fetch & inc

    Try:   LL r1, addr
            addi r1, r1, 0x1
            SC r1, addr
            beqz r1, Try

  • Compare & swap: Compare with r1, swap r2 and memory location (here we keep on trying until comparison passes)

    Try:  LL r3, addr
           sub r4, r3, r1
           bnez r4, Try
           add r4, r2, r0
           SC r4, addr
           beqz r4, Try
           add r2, r3, r0