What went wrong?
- For write through cache
- The memory value may be correct if the writes are correctly ordered
- But the system allowed a store to proceed when there is already a cached copy
- Lesson learned: must invalidate all cached copies before allowing a store to proceed
- Writeback cache
- Problem is even more complicated: stores are no longer visible to memory immediately
- Writeback order is important
- Lesson learned: do not allow more than one copy of a cache line in M state
- Must invalidate all cached copies before allowing a store to proceed
- Need to know where the cached copies are
- Solution1: Never mind! Just tell everyone that you are going to do a store
- Leads to broadcast snoopy protocols
- Popular with small-scale bus-based CMPs and SMPs
- AMD Opteron implements it on a distributed network (the Hammer protocol)
- The biggest reason why quotidian Windows fans would buy small-scale multiprocessors and multi-core today
- Solution2: Keep track of the sharers and invalidate them when needed
- Where and how is this information stored?
- Leads to directory-based scalable protocols
- Directory-based protocols
- Maintain one directory entry per memory block
- Each directory entry contains a sharer bitvector and state bits
- Concept of home node in distributed shared memory multiprocessors
- Concept of sparse directory for on-chip coherence in CMPs
- Do not allow more than one copy of a cache line in M state
- Need some form of access control mechanism
- Before a processor does a store it must take “permission” from the current “owner” (if any)
- Need to know who the current owner is
- Either a processor or main memory
- Solution1 and Solution2 apply here also
- Latest value must be propagated to the requester
- Notion of “latest” is very fuzzy
- Once we know the owner, this is easy
- Solution1 and Solution2 apply here also
- Invariant: if a cache block is not in M state in any processor, memory must provide the block to the requester
- Memory must be updated when a block transitions from M state to S state
- Note that a transition from M to I always updates memory in systems with writeback caches (these are normal writeback operations)
- Most of the implementations of a coherence protocol deals with uncommon cases and races