Introduction to Data Structure

Real Number

The Floating Point Notation use to represent Real Numbers. The key concept of floating-point notation is Mantissa, Base and Exponent . The base is usually fixed and the Mantissa and the Exponent vary to represent different Real Number. For Example, if the base is fixed at 10, the number -235.47 could be represented as . The Mantissa is 23547 and the exponent is -2. Other possible representations are and .

In the floating-point notation a real number is represented by a 32-bit string. Including in 32-bit, 24-bit use for representation of Mantissa and remaining 8-bit use for representation of Exponent .Both the mantissa and the exponent are twos complement binary Integers. For example, the 24-bit twos complement binary representation of -23547 is 111111111010010000000101, and the 8-bit twos complement binary representation of -2 is 11111110. So the representation of 235.47 is 11111111101001000000010111111110. It can be used to represent extremely large or extremely small absolute values.

Character Strings

In computer science, information is not always interpreted numerically. Item such as names, address and job title must also be represented in some fashion with in computer. To enable the representation of such nonnumeric objects, still another method of interpreting bit strings is necessary. Such information is usually represented in character string form. For example, in some computers, the eight bits 11000000 is used to represent the character "A" and 11000001 for character "B" and another for each character that has a representation in a particular machine. So, the character string "AB" would be represented by the bit string 1100000011000001.
