Introduction to Data Structure

Non-Negative Binary System

In this System each bit position represents a power of 2. The right most bit position represent 20 which equals 1. The next position to the left represents 21= 2 and so on. An Integer is represented as a sum of powers of 2. A string of all 0s represents the number 0. If a 1 appears in a particular bit position, the power of 2 represented by that bit position is included in the Sum. But if a 0 appears, the power of 2 is not included in the Sum. For example 10011, the sum is

Ones Complement Notation


Negative binary number is represented by ones Complement Notation. In this notation we represent a negative number by changing each bit in its absolute value to the opposite bit setting. For example, since 001001100 represent 38, 11011001 is used to represent -38. The left most number is reserved for the sign of the number. A bit String Starting with a 0 represents a positive number, where a bit string starting with a 1 represents a negative number.


Twos Complement Notation

In Twos Complement Notation is also used to represent a negative number. In this notation 1 is added to the Ones Complement Notation of a negative number. For example, since 11011001 represents -38 in Ones Complement Notation 11011010 used represent -38 in Twos Complement Notation.
