Plotting of Profile

Plotting of profile leveling provides a graphical representation of the ground points on a longitudinal section along the alignment. It is being used to determine the depth of cutting or filling on the proposed gradient (for highways, railways, canals, etc.), to study grade crossing problems, to select appropriate grade, to locate depth of sewer, tunnels etc. In this, a datum line is drawn along which distance of the stakes are marked and reduced levels are plotted along vertical lines drawn on the marked points. Segmented straight lines joining the reduced level points represent the longitudinal profile of the ground surface. Profile is generally drawn so that the vertical scale is much larger than the horizontal scale in order to accentuate the differences of elevations.

Figure 14.2 shows the longitudinal section of the profile leveling (Figure 14.1). In this, the datum and ground lines are drawn in black and the ordinates in blue. The value of the datum line is given and the reduced levels are written against ordinates.

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