Field Book Note

The notes of profile leveling are recorded in a level note book where backsights, intermediate sights and foresights are placed in independent columns. The distances of points as well as direction of lines are also noted in separate columns (Table 14.1).

In case of profile leveling as shown in Figure 14.1, for instrument position at l1, the first backsight (B.S) is taken at B.M and the reading of 3.005m is placed in its column in the row of station A (Table 14.1). Then, intermediate sights 2.285m, 1.560m, 1.785m, 2.105m respectively at stakes 1,2,3,4 are placed in the corresponding row. The first foresight 3.105m taken at station B is placed in its row. From changed instrument location l2, a backsight 2.875m is taken at B and it is entered in the B.S. column in the row of B. Thus, at station B, both backsight and foresight readings are entered. The intermediate sights 3.465m, 3.955m, 3.120m, 3.015m, 2.580m, 1.955m respectively at stakes 5, X, 6, 7, 8, 9 are placed in their corresponding row. The foresight 1.465m taken at station C is placed in its row.

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