Requirements of a Vertical curve

The important requirement of a vertical curve is that they should provide a constant rate of change of grade.

Therefore if y = f (x), be the general equation of a curve, for a vertical curve it is required to have

This requirement is fulfilled by parabolic curve.

Morever, parabolic curve further fulfills the requirements of a vertical curve in the following ways:

  1. It is flatter at the top and hence provides a longer sight distance. Greater the sight distance, lesser is the possibility of any accident.
  2. Rate of change of grade is uniform throughout and hence produces best riding qualities.
  3. It is simple in computation and setting works.

Thus, a parabolic curve is most commonly used as a vertical curve.

Elevation of points to set out a vertical parabolic curves is computed by using (1) equation of the parabola directly or by using, (2) geometric properties of the parabola (to calculate vertical offsets from the tangent).