Exercise 38

Ex.38-1 Two tangents intersect at chainage 2380 m, the deflection angle being 50° 30'. Compute the necessary data for setting out a 5.7° curve to connect the two tangents if it is intended to set out the curve by Rankine's Method of tangential angles. Take the length of the normal chord as 30 m. Also, tabulate the values of the deflection angles for setting out with a theodolite having least count of 20".

Ex.38-2 Two straights AB and BC meet at an inaccessible point B. They are to be connected by a simple circular curve of 500 m radius. Two points P and Q are selected on AB and BC respectively, and the following data are obtained:

RAPQ = 157° 22' ; RCQP = 164° 38' ; PQ = 200 m.

Calculate the necessary data for setting out the curve by the method of deflection angle. The nominal length of chord is 30 m. Assume any data missing.


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