Practical Hints

For GOOD location of details through plane table surveying, following practical hints may be followed:

  • The drawing board should be well seasoned and good quality but should be free from glare.
  • The tripod stand should be placed in stable condition before fixing the drawing board.
  • The level of the plane table should be set up at a height slightly lower than the height of the elbow of the surveyor.
  • Time should be spent for centring to achieve accuracy within plotting error or better but not very accurate is required.
  • The plotted positions of the stations should be checked before starting any location of details. This is to be done by method of resection to some prominent objects present in the area.
  • Orientation of the table better be checked intermittently and verify by method of back sighting.
  • To plot the plane table location through three point problem, occupy a position inside the great triangle.
  • Sliding of alidade on drawing paper should be avoided. Alidade better be used by lifting its object vane side getting its sight vane side pivoted.
  • The portion of the sheet which is not being used at any time may better be kept covered with a waterproof cloth .
  • The fiducial edge of the alidade in use should be cleaned intermittently to remove graphite.
  • Use hard pencil (such as 4H) to avoid smudging.
  • During storage, the plane table board should be stored on edges, This helps in minimizing warp.

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