Plane Table Traversing

This method of plane table surveying is used to plot a traverse in cases stations have not been previously plotted by some other methods. In this method, traverse stations are first selected. The stations are plotted by method of radiation by taking back sight on the preceding station and a fore sight to the following station. Here distances are generally measured by tachometric method and surveying work has to be performed with great care.

Let us consider the stations P, Q, R and S (Figure 34.3) which are to plotted by method of traversing. Stations are to be chosen in such a way that adjoining stations are visible. First, the plane table is to be set at station P and then plotted as p. The orientation of the table and scale of plotting should be such that all other stations will be accommodated within the boundary of the sheet. With the alidade pivoted at p, draw the rays to Q and S. Distances PQ and PS are measured and plotted on the respective rays, pq and ps respectively.

The plane table is then shifted to station Q, get it set and then oriented by back sighting to station P. With the alidade pivoted at q, draw a ray to R. Distance QR is measured and plotted on the ray as qr. In this way, plane table is shifted to stations R and S and corresponding rays are drawn to obtain the plotting of the traverse pqrs.

Check lines. To check the accuracy of the plane table traverse, a few check lines are taken by sighting back to some preceding station. In this example, a check line rp is drawn from the station R to P when the plane table is occupying the station R. If the traverse is correct, the check line rp would pass through p, the plotted position of station P. Likewise, a check line sq is drawn from S to Q. In case there is no suitable preceding station visible, any well-defined point, such as a corner of a building or a tree, which has been previously plotted, can be used for checking.

Error of closure . If the traverse to be plotted is a closed traverse, the foresight from the terminating station should pass through the first station. Otherwise the amount by which plotted position of the first station on the foresight fails to close is designated as the error of closure. It is adjusted graphically, if the error is within permissible limits, before any further plotting works are done.

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