Module II : Analysis and design of concrete pavements
Lecture 1 : Pavement Materials


Abbas, A., Masad, E., Papagiannakis, T., and Shenoy, A. (2005). Modelling asphalt mastic stiffness using discrete element analysis and micromechanical-based models, The International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 6(2), pp.137-146.





















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Deshpande, V. S., and Cebon, D., (1997). Models of particle reinforced nonlinear-viscous composite. Journal of Engineering Mechanics , 125(3), 255-262.





















Kim, Y-R., and Little, D. N., (2004). Linear viscoelastic analysis of asphalt mastics, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering , 16(2), 122-132.























Lee, H-Y, and Kim, Y-R. (1998). Vicoelastic constitutive model for asphalt concrete under cyclic loading, Journal of Engineering Mechanics , 124(1), 32-40.























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Pagen, C.A., (1968). Size and thermological relationships of asphaltic concrete, Proceedings of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists , Vol. 37.





















Sadd, M. H., Dai, Q., Parameswaran, V., and Shukla, A., (2004). Microstructural simulation of asphalt materials: modeling and experimental studies, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering , 16(2), 107-115.























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Uzan, J. (2005). Viscoelastic-viscoplastic model with damage for asphalt concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering , 17(5), pp.528-534.