Module 4 : Nonlinear elasticity
  Lecture 33 : Estimation of flexural rigidity of proteinaceous filaments like microtubules and Actin. (continued)



Let’s say that the filament is straight and is composed of N equal segments of length Δs0 . But due to experimental error, there is a deviation from the straight line; at the kth point, the deviation is εk and at k+1th point it is εk+1 . Then the kth segment has the length:


and angle


Where, we have neglected the terms of order  and higher. If we substitute these expressions in equation 32.9, then these errors lead to amplitude of Fourier modes for the error,


Where,  is the mid point of the kth segment. The variance is calculated by regrouping terms on the right hand side of equation 33.3, in terms of each distinct and by considering the fact that are independent, identical random variables and using,
