Module 3: "Thin Film Hydrodynamics"
  Lecture 17: ""


ADSORPTION ISOTHERM (with reference to Fig.4.7)

    • ‘M’ represents amount adsorbed at equilibrium.
    • In region ‘1’ adsorption follows a linear path.
    • In region ‘2’, saturation has almost been reached and monolayer adsorption has occurred.
    • In region ‘3’ bulk condensation starts.
    • The dotted curve represents the porous medium where most of the pores are of same radius . A jump is observed at the pressure when all of these pores are filled up.

    Fig:4.7: Saturation curves for non porous material(solid curve) and for material with almost constant pore radius (dotted)

    When a filled pore is emptied, it does not follow the same path as it did during filling and a hysteresis loop is observed. If pore radius distribution is uniform then this curve also would be smooth (there won’t be a sharp rise and fall)