Module 8: Composite Testing
  Lecture 37: Tensile and Compressive Testing


Example 8.1

The  strain rosette is mounted on a structure as shown in Figure below. The readings in each strain gage are  ,  and . Determine the strains in global directions.

Figure: Rosette on a structure (Example 8.1)


From the figure, we have the following data:


Applying Equation (8.7), we get

Solving, we get

Example 8.2

The  strain rosette is mounted on a wing as shown in Figure below. The readings in each strain gage obtained are , and . Determine the strains in global directions.

Figure: Rosette on a wing (Example 8.2)


From the figure, we have the following data:


Applying Equation (8.7), we get

Solving, we get the following set of equations

Putting the value of  in the first and third of above relation and upon solving them, we get