Module 7: Micromechanics
  Lecture 33: Three Phase CCA Model: Effective Transverse Shear Modulus

The state of deformation imposed is such that the far away from the fibre and matrix a state of pure shear is produced.

The planar stresses for the cylinder can be given in terms of stress function  as


where, the stress function  , following the work of [11], is given as


Here,  and  are the constants that are evaluated using the boundary conditions. Using Equation (7.255) in Equation (7.254), the stresses become


Now, considering the plane strain condition with  and using the stress-strain relations, the strains in composite material are written as


where, . Now using the strain displacement relations as in Equation (7.172) the displacement components in composite material are obtained as


Here, the polar coordinates are used. Further, as  the above equation leads to the imposed state of simple shear deformation. It should be noted that the displacements in this equation satisfy the equilibrium equations.