Module 7: Micromechanics
  Lecture 31: CCA Model: Effective Plane Strain Bulk Modulus

It should be noted that the axisymmetric problem given here has the same form of solution as given previously. However, the constants involved in this problem will take different values depending upon the boundary conditions of this problem. For this problem in hand, we have the following boundary conditions:

The radial displacement at the fibre and matrix interface should be continuous as in the first of Equation (7.180).

The second condition is continuity of radial stresses at the fibre and matrix interface as in Equation (7.182). With transversely isotropic fibre, this condition leads to


 and with isotropic fibre, this condition from Equation (7.202) with  becomes


The third condition is that the outer boundary of the cylinder has the radial stress equal to the   as in Equation (7.221) or Equation (7.222). In case of fibre with transversely isotropic material, this leads to


and in case of fibre with isotropic material, from Equation (7.200) with  it becomes


For the case of transversely isotropic fibre the constants  and  are determined by solving the Equations. (7.180), (7.224) and (7.226). These constants are


For the case of isotropic fibre the the constants  and  are determined by solving the Equations (7.180), (7.225) and (7.227). These constants are given as


Thus, all stresses and strains can be given in terms of unknown  and   constants. The effective plane strain bulk modulus of the equivalent homogeneous material is then defined as


From Equation (7.220), we can write


Thus, combining Equation (7.230) and Equation (7.231) we get


The effective plane strain bulk modulus can be also defined as


where,  is the ratio of change in volume per unit volume of the concentric cylinders. It is given as


In this the second order terms are ignored. Thus, the effective plane strain bulk modulus for this definition gives us same expression for plane strain bulk modulus as in Equation (7.232).

Thus, for the transversely isotropic fibre, using the constants as given in Equation (7.228) the effective plane strain bulk modulus becomes


Dividing the numerator and denominator by  , we get


For isotropic fibre, using the constants from Equation (7.229) the effective plane strain bulk modulus is given as
