Module 5: Laminate Theory
  Lecture 19: Hygro -thermal Laminate Theory

Governing Differential Equations for Classical Laminate Theory

The equilibrium equations for a laminate are


In the laminate, in general, we consider that the transverse shear stresses are vanishing at the top and bottom of the laminate, that is   at   and . Now, integrate Equation (5.133) with respect to z. The first two of the above equation give us


The third of the Equation (5.133) gives




Now, multiply the first of Equation (5.133) with z and integrate with respect to z to get


Now, let us write

Now recalling that   at   and  we can write for the third term in Equation (5.136) as


Thus, Equation (5.136) becomes


Similarly, we can write


Now putting Equation (5.137) and Equation (5.138) in Equation (5.135) we get


Note that this equation is identical with the homogeneous plate theory. However, in these equations the definition of the resultants is different.

One can express the moment resultants in terms of A, B and D matrices and the derivatives of mid-plane displacements as given below.

Equation (5.137) can be written as


Equation (5.138) becomes


And Equation (5.139) becomes
