Module 5: Laminate Theory
  Lecture 17: Laminate Constitutive Relations


  1. Write laminate constitutive equation and obtain its partially and fully inverted form.

  2. What are the types of laminate?

  3. Differentiate between symmetric and unsymmteric laminates.

  4. What is an unsymmteric and antisymmetric laminate? Are they the same?

  5. For antisymmetric laminates show that the terms  are zero.

  6. Show that for a symmetric laminate there is no coupling between extension and bending responses.

  7. Classify the following laminates

  1. Write an example for following laminates:

    1. Antisymmetric laminate

    2. Cross-ply

    3. Cross-ply symmetric

    4. Angle ply symmetric

    5. Balanced angle ply

    6. Quasi-isotropic

    7. Specially orthotropic
  1. For the composite material T300/5208, calculate the  and  for the following laminates. The thickness of each lamina is 0.1 mm.

  1. For the above laminate sequences calculate the compliance relation (for midplane strains and curvatures). Develop a computer code for this.

  2. Using the code developed in exercise (10), verify the solutions given for Example 5.6 and Example 5.7.

  3. Show that the T300/5208  laminate is a quasi-isotropic laminate. Is it an isotropic laminate?