Module 5: Laminate Theory
  Lecture 17: Laminate Constitutive Relations

Example 5.5:  laminate

Solution: This is a general laminate and does not follow in any category of classification. Hence, we can call it as an unsymmteric laminate. Further, in this laminate there are two layers of  and 3 layers of  fibre orientation. Since, thickness of each layer is 1 mm, we can consider this laminate as one layer of  fibre orientation with thickness of 2 mm and one layer of  fibre orientation with thickness of 3 mm. This is shown in Figure 5.11.

Here, .  and  are the same as in earlier examples.

A matrix is calculated as

This gives us

Matrix B is calculated as


Now matrix D is calculated as

which gives,


Figure 5.11: Example problem 5.5, (a) Actual laminate (b) Equivalent laminate