Module 3: 3D Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 11: Constitutive Relations: Transverse Isotropy and Isotropy


  1. AE Green, W Zerna. Theoretical Elasticity. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963

  2. SG Lekhnitskii. Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body. Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1981.

  3. IS Sokolnikoff. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, First Edition, McGraw Hill Publications, New York.

  4. LE Malvern. Introduction to Mechanics of a Continuous Medium, Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 1969.

  5. CT Herakovich. Mechanics of Fibrous Composites, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1998.