Spoc Details

  • SPOC Name : DR.K.DEEPA
  • Partnering since : Feb-2016
CONGRATS! You are one of the top 100 Local Chapters. Your college is hereby recognized as an ACTIVE Local Chapter.

Course Wise Course Name Present Gold Elite Silver Success Participation
1Fundamentals of Combustion (Part 2)100010
2Engineering Thermodynamics200011
3Design of fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles400013
4Introduction to Finite Volume Methods I100010
5Biology for engineers and other non-biologists201010
6Nanotechnology in Agriculture201010
7Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges100001
8Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City402020
9Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data101000
10Computer Architecture101000
11Programming in C++501031
12Introduction to Programming in C200020
13Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python101000
14The Joy of Computing using Python13012010
15Computer Networks and Internet Protocol500014
16Introduction to Machine Learning200020
17Deep Learning1002080
18Software testing300021
19Software Engineering100010
20Introduction to Internet of Things74067070
21Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases35010286
22Hardware modeling using verilog101000
23Artificial Intelligence: Search Methods for problem Solving1000073
24Introduction to R Software1349000
25Social Networks1001090
26Product Design and Innovation101000
27Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering705020
28Control Engineering600060
29Principles of Signal Estimation for MIMO/ OFDM Wireless Communication211000
30Advanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink403010
31Digital Circuits420160251
32Architectural Design of Digital Integrated Circuits110000
33Design of photovoltaic systems1003070
34Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation101000
35Digital Image Processing1609070
36Introduction to Smart Grid200020
37An Introduction to Information Theory100010
38Introduction to Research504010
39Neuroscience of Human Movement 100010
40Outcome based pedagogic principles for effective teaching302010
41Stress Management17115010
42Technical english for engineers707000
43Soft skills502030
44Developing Soft Skills and Personality110000
45Consumer Psychology100001
46Educational Leadership110000
47Introduction to probability and Statistics704030
48Energy conservation and waste heat recovery202000
49Laws of thermodynamics601050
50Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning303000
51Design for Quality, Manufacturing and Assembly201010
52Mechanics of Human Movement100010
53Manufacturing of Composites404000
54Smart Materials and Intelligent System Design101000
56Engineering Metrology101000
57Work System Design422000
58Engineering fracture mechanics100001
59Economic Growth and Development200020
60Project management for managers101000
62Marketing Management-I100010
63Business Analytics & Data Mining Modeling Using R-PART II100010
65Total Quality Management - I101000
66Working Capital Management101000
67Introduction to Operations Research303000
68Nature and Properties of Materials807010
69Advanced Materials and Processes303000
70Structural Analysis of Nanomaterials505000
71Corrosion - Part I403010
72Steel Quality : Role of Secondary Refining & Continuous Casting101000
73Welding of Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications202000
74Solid state physics201010

