Greetings and welcome to Module 2 of Tale.
Many of you or most of you would have a participated
in the Module 1 of tale. This is Module 2
which is in continuation of that . And as
you know TALE is is a course that facilitates
the teachers in the context of the NBA Accreditation
and the what we call as a the good characteristics
of engineer, it facilitates the teachers to
plan their courses and conduct their courses.
So, TALEthe Module 2, the unit 1 is we are
going to look at Engineering Programs - what
are they, NBA Accreditation and Engineering
Courses. As a engineering teachers all of
you are familiar with this, but we will try
to spend some time in looking at this in one
particular sequence becausemuch some of the
terminology if you not all the terminology
is a is somewhat recent and to that extent
different faculty members may use these terms
to main different things . So, the firstunit
tries to look at Engineering Programs, NBA
Accreditation and and look at what are Engineering
So, what does TALE do? The this course entire
TALE with all the four modules aims at enabling
the teachers in engineering programs to facilitate
their students to become good engineers at
the time of graduation . So, it is a second
order input kind of thing. The course enables
the teachers who in turn can facilitate their
students to become good engineers .
The courses offered as four models which have
we have mentioned earlier . One is looking
at learning outcomes; the second one is course
design; third one is instruction and fourth
moduleis accreditation . And now as per the
NPTEL format each module constitutes one credit.
Each module is also offered as 20 units of
about half hour video lectures. Each unit
will have a set of exercises, and each week
will have an assignment or a quiz . Of course,
in the end you may all of you will be writing
a examination who should lead to the award
of a grade and certificate .
Now, let us look atthe structure of a TALE
which we have presented in Module 1 the samestructure
we are repeating here . TALE has four modules
as we mention. Module 1 is related to learning
outcomes and that is where we we also otherwise
called itoutcome based education . And the
we will say what exactly we reviewed in that
we will presently see . Module 2 is related
to course design that is what every teacher
will have to do with their course; and if
I design my course well maybe my students
will learn better . And this course design
is presented in the framework of ADDIE which
we will elaborate in later units of thisModule
Module 3 will look at mainly instruction,
how should you plan your instruction are,
in planning instruction means planning and
sequencing learning experiences of the students.
We will talk about the related theory and
how it can be presented . Module 3 is strictly
accreditation. These dayseach program engineering
program willnotrequired to, but most to the
engineering programs go for NBA accreditation,
and also every engineering college are every
institute offering engineering programs goes
for NAAC accreditation . So, we will, in the
fourth module, we will look at the accreditation
processes ok .
And now in TALE Module 1, if you recall and
we are also assuming all the terminology all
the exercises ofwhat we have done in TALE
Module 1 are prerequisites to TALE Module
2 . So, we are not going to repeat much of
what has been addressed in TALE Module 1 ok.
In Module 1, we understood the nature of outcome
based education objectives and outcomes of
an undergraduate program in engineering as
required by National Board of Accreditation
because our framework is always the NBA accreditation
framework are the guidelines provided by or
a framework provided by AICTE and so on.
And we also understood the Anderson-Bloom-Vincenti
taxonomy, and the three domainsthree domains
of learning namely cognitive, affective and
psychomotor domains of learning . We understood
the features of the three domains. And particularly
in the cognitive domain the Anderson-Bloom-Vincenti
taxonomy .
And we also wrote outcomes of a course in
an engineering program that address is subset
of a subset of program outcomes and program
specific outcomes . So, at the end ofModule
1, we not only wrote outcomes of a program
outcomes of a a course, and how to write that
as well as how to measure the attainment of
these outcomes. We have we have looked at
both of them in the Module 1 .
Now, the remainingoutcomes ofthis TALE that
is at the end of Module 2, 3 and 4 of tale,
the students who are mostly practicing and
aspiring teachers should be able to design
a course in an engineering program in the
instructional design framework of ADDIE . So,
we will be elaborating in the Module 2 about
the framework of ADDIE . And also design assessment
that is in good alignment with course outcomes
So, in the Module 2, we will be looking at
their a what we are calling as a ADDIE. It
has five phases ADDIE refers to Analysis,
Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate.
We will be looking at how to how to perform
activities in all the five phases of ADDIE
and particularly we also the we expect the
the participants who are in the TALE Module
2 should be able to design assessment that
is in good alignment with course outcomes
that is the a Module 2 outcomes .
Module 3 design instruction following Merrill's
principles for attaining the course outcomes
and competencies ensuring good alignment between
course outcomes, assessment and instruction
that is Module 3 . Module 3 prepare for NBA
accreditation at the department level andalso
prepare for NAAC accreditation at the institution
level that is module 4.
Andthis course as we mentioned earlier will
be useful to working teachers in engineering
colleges, aspiring teachers, graduate students
who wish to make career's in education technology,
and also companies offering education technologies
and training programs to corporates, educational
institutes, teachers and students . Now, these
days there are in number of companies that
are coming up in India who are trying to design
and conduct programs for the corporates as
well as for the educational institutes.
Now, we need to be clear about a few terms
. People use other words for this. So, we
will try to pin downspecifically a certain
words. Let us see what engineering programs
are. Engineering program is a four-year teaching
and learning activity that can qualify 12th
standard graduates to the award of engineering
degrees . So, when you say a program it always
leads to a kind of a formal degree that is
what we call a program in the present day
And engineering programs are required to impart
this we have mentioned already in Module 1,
impart knowledge skills and attitudes, and
to facilitate the graduates of 12th standard
to acquire the characteristics of a good engineer.
Who defines the characteristics of a good
They are identified by National Board of Accreditation,
the use the word program outcomes, that means,
the program outcomes represent the characteristics
of a good engineer as understood today. This
may keep changing slightly from time to time
. So, it is not as if you write the program
outcomes once and their permanent, as the
technology changes their role of engineers
change. So, the program, the nature of program
outcomes also will have to change with time
Now, engineering programs in India this is
what every teacher needs to be very clear,
they need to be design and conducted as per
guidelines given by AICTE, AICTE is All India
Council for Technical Education.
And what to, the what are the guidelines they
give here they are related to the program
title that means what title you can use to
your program B.Tech in Computer Science or
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
so whichever degree that we offer the title
will have to be generally accepted by AICTE
. Of course, AICTE also from time to time
will keepkeep modifying the list ofprogram
Then the guidelines are given with respect
to outcome based education duration of the
program, the semester system, the number of
creditsthatfor which the program has to be
designed what we call curriculum components
a grading and physical infrastructure . So,
these are the guidelines that AICTE provides
. Unless you follow that AICTE will not permit
you to permit you toconduct and award are
qualify your students for the award of engineering
degrees .
In addition to this guidelines of State Governments,
they are with regard to reservations, fee
structure and admissions . There may be many
more, but these are the main guidelines that
the State Government gives . And the most
of the colleges in India are affiliated to
some university. And it is a university that
awards the degrees not the college, except
in a few cases where they are private universities
or which are established by Central Government
as well either State or Central Universities.
And guidelines of the affiliating university
with respect to again admissions, curriculum
examinations evaluations and declaration of
results with respect to all of them, the affiliating
university will will have guidelines and some
constraints. So, what happens engineering
programs will have to be conducted, designed
and conducted under the guidelines given by
AICTE andState Government and the affiliating
university . This is whatevery teacher obviously,
will know, but has to be understand in the
corresponding framework .
And once again though it is not compulsory
to getnational board of accreditation body
call NBA accreditation for the program, but
majority you can say ninety five percent of
the programs would want to go for NBA accreditation
. So, if you take that as one of the requirement.
And NBA talks about vision and mission of
the institute that means, the institute has
to write a vision and mission it does not
say what that vision and mission should be,
but they have to write vision and mission
of the institute, vision and mission of the
department, program educational objectives,
program outcomes, program specific outcomes,
course outcomes and how do you attain the
Cos, POs and PSOs, and generally closing the
quality loop and ensuring that you are trying
to improve continuously.
So, these are all the aspects of NBA accreditation
as for as designing and conducting a course
. This is whatone should be familiar with
. And all this other than vision mission the
rest of the things we have addressed at least
in the terminology what they are, how they
are related, all those issues we have already
addressed in Module 1.
And engineering programs if you want to understand
prior to the introduction of OBE that is prior
to 2015 in practically while informally there
were some some understanding, but no formal
framework was identified by any agency are
an institute for designing in engineering
program . For example, if you look at a document
given by any institution of an engineering
programs, there is no framework document saying
that what are the objectives of the program,
what are the program outcomes are at least
in equivalent word for that, nothing like
that was written. So, more or less the as
a the so called framework is a was either
informal are unstated at least .
So, now it is we are required to state everything
on a piece of paper . So, there is clarity
about um the framework in which a program
and a course is a design and offered. There
were no criteria identified at the program
or course level that were required to be met,
there is nothing . This led to a position
that faculty member in an autonomous institution
has total freedom with regard to design and
conduct of a course. He is not one is not
answerable to anything. I just pick a course
design my syllabus and offered it the way
I consider the best either from the subject
perspective or whatever goals that I have
in mind, even the goals are not particularly
stated .
So, this right to total autonomy and no need
for a framework still continue with majority
of the faculty members that is the reason
why having got used to operating with no framework,
the many faculty members may feel a little
constraint with regard to providing any framework
. We will presently see that aspect .
Now, let us look at how courses are. First
courses are classified into these categories.
The curricular components include basic sciences
. How many courses what courses that depends
on a given program that is not stated by NBA
or AICTE, but there is a basic science component.
Basic sciences normally constitutephysics,
chemistry, mathematics, biology such such
things . Humanities and social sciences, these
will include language and including management
and any other social science subject. Then
you have engineering sciences, professional
core, professional electives, open electives
and a project these are what we call broadly
curricular components .
So, whenever somebody designs a curriculum,
first thing that one does is the whatever
credits of the entire program are distributed
under this curricular components, how many
credits of the total program are allocated
to basic sciences. And of course, some courses
one may find it difficult to there will be
some courses in the curriculum, one may find
it difficult to put under one of this categories,
but any classification we cannot create too
many categories.
So, we have to tolerate sometimes you may
sayone particular course should it come under
engineering science or basic science or should
it be shifted to core and so on these issues
will always be there. But it does not matter
these are the officially the categories that
are identified this seven categories and all
courses will have to be put under one of these
seven categories.
Now, the program structure at least now we
can say as for as a AICTE is concern, a BE
program will have a credit load of about 160
credits that means, it could be 160 plus or
minus if you. So, many people stillthough
till now there are large number of programs
which are operating even are up to 260 credits
on paper though their credit definition will
keep changing, but the majority of the programs
in India are operating anywhere up to 200
credits. And in the recent past there coming
back to around 160; many of the programs have
come back to 160 plus or minus 5, or sometime160
minus 5are to 160 plus 10 kind of thing . They
are trying to come within that . um
And these credits whatever number that we
choose are distributed over the curricular
components,keeping the POs identified by NBA,
PSOs identified by the Board of Studies, and
the requirements of the University, AICTE
and UGC . These are that many constraints
that you have. For example, UGC says you have
to have a course on ecology or environment
whatever name that you want . Some time say
university may say every student will have
to go through one course in local language.
And sometimes a university may also constrain
there should be a course specifically identified
an professional ethics so on. Through that
extent there are requirements that come from
any of these agencies and the we have talked
about POs and PSOs, POs are identified by
NBA, and PSOs are identified by the Board
of Studies associated with the program ok
So, and the courses identified by all generally
finalthe final selection of the courses will
be done by Board of Studies, they have to
put the courses under these seven categories
that may talked about . And courses can be
offered as 3 is to 0 is to 0, or 3 is to 1
is to 0, 3 is to 0 is to 1 and so on. There
can be for example, a project can carry we
can name it as 0 is to 0 is to 12 or 8 whatever
number you have for the project .
So, you have courses the courses earlier were
characterized by the marks like 100 marks,
150 marks and so on. Here there characterized
by the number of credits and the grade that
a student gets ok, because now under the CBCs
scheme the student should have access to a
wide range of courses from which we can choose,
and we call them as electives . And another
aspect that you need to keep in mind the number
of teaching weeks mind you we are calling
teaching weeks not working weeks, normally
90 working days is the norm of most of the
But we would not be able we would not be teaching
all the 8 all the 90 days we are conducting
internal test, there are some preparatory
holidays, then you are final examination and
so on. So, keep taking all that into account
the number of teaching weeks in a semester
comes around to 14 to 15 . Why is this important
the content of the course that can be addressed
satisfactory by all students should be selected
keeping this number in mind .
If I increase the content in definitely, because
we as a teacher I consider all that should
be learned, but I will not be able to do a
proper justice during the 14 to 15 weeks,
so that should be kept in mindthe number of
weeks available for classroom interactions
to 14 or 15, and the content will have to
be accordingly adjust .
Credit and syllabus, one credit is this we
have explain in it Module 1 . Once again one
credit is one classroom session per week over
a semester, one hour of tutorial per week
over a semester or two hours of laboratory
work per week over a semester . And this will
have to be strictly adhered to . This is right
from UGC level at AICTE level, these are all
applicable. We no institution are no college
should deviate from this definition of the
credit . The syllabus of the course as I we
mention needs to be identified keeping the
number of credits of a some course are 2 is
to 0 is to 0, or some courses are three is
to 1 is to 0 .
So, depending on the number of credits and
context, context here will refer to quality
of students, infrastructure, POs addressed
etcetera, and nature of the subject in consideration
. If the subject is highly mathematical andalso
very difficult concepts are involved are very
complex procedures are involved in the course,
then obviously, the content will have to be
accordingly adjusted not because the subject
requires that . So, the content should be
decided by are the syllabus of the course
needs to be decided by these considerations
The broadly we need to divide the courses
into two categories in another way based on
the knowledge categories. For example, courses
in Humanities, Social Sciences, Basic Sciences,
courses in Humanities, Social Sciences, Basic
Sciences and Engineering Sciences deal with
the four general categories of knowledge namely
factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive.
Whereas, course is belonging to Professional
course Core, Professional Electives deal with
the four general categories of knowledge and
the four Vincenti categories of engineering
knowledge including Fundamental Design Principles,
Criteria and Specifications, Practical Constraints
and Design Instrumentalities . When you come
to open electives the way open elective design
can belong to the first category or to theengineering
category that is the choice of a the course
And this is a this setup principles that we
have been saying of an inModule 1 as well
students learn well when they are clear about
what they should be able to do at the end
of a course . And these are written as course
outcomes. And assessment is an alignment with
what they are expected to do . And instructional
activities are design and conducted to facilitate
them to acquire what they are expected to
achieve . These are the principles of a in
a good course .
In unit two of this module we present the
role of course, design in facilitating good
learning that that will be the purpose ofthe
course design.
Thank you very much for your attention.